Mar 31

Normally I do not use this site to promote sales of any type.  However the require EPA training is important and the Apartment Association is offering a significant discount.


The next class is now scheduled for Saturday, April 17th, from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. in Milwaukee

By now you should all be aware of the new lead paint rules that will affect your business, with an effective date of 4/22/10.  If not follow this link and weep.

The Apartment Association of SE WI has made arrangements with a Wisconsin certified training company to offer these one day courses at $180 for members and $240 for non-members.  This is a very good price.  For example Milwaukee Lead Information Center charges $260 for the same course.

The first classes have been filled.  The Association is preparing more courses.  If you are interested please contact Paulette at the association office:

As with all of AASEW courses it is first come first served.  Even I could not get as many employees certified in the first session as I had wished.

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