Jun 26

Yes, folks, as we our industry and contracting community are barely getting a grasp on the two month old EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting [RRP] lead paint training and certification rule they want to up the stakes.

The real game changer is the proposal to require laboratory testing for dust clearance at a cost of at least $160 per job, but more realistically $480 for most jobs.  This includes jobs as small as fixing a single window frame or broken door jamb.

Comment period to the EPA ends July 6th, 2010.

You can get a copy of the proposed rule, where to submit comments and read the Apartment Association of Southeastern WI, Inc.’s comments to the EPA at:


2 Responses to “This is going to hurt – EPA updating two month old lead rule”

  1. ‘Disturbing’ a painted airfoil can be the outcome of a variety of activities. All function to access pipes and wires in a wall should be incorporated if it’s done on a construction with lead-based paint. Additionally, remodeling and refurbishing old house may also require containment of the area.

  2. I am committed to green design and environmental protection, but the new EPA regulations for renovation, repair, and painting (Document ID EPA-HQ-OPPT-2005-0049-1078) are excessive and will do more harm than good.

    I’ve posted my comments at http://www.regulations.gov

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